I have a little time now so here goes.
There are several ways to make these angle plates. One way is to mount your
roughed out angle plate on a rotary table and set each angle and mill each side
smooth. It's quite accurate and quick do but requires a rotary table.
Another method is to use a digital readout on the mill to determine the angle.
I used the DRO to place the pair of quarter inch holes in some of the ones
with the smaller angles. You can use a sine chart to determine placement of the holes. It's not hard once you look at a sine chart for a certain angle.
Mark the two holes and drill 1/4 inch holes. If you want to get real accurate,
drill the holes one size smaller than 1/4 and ream to 1/4 inch. Then install
a pair of 1/4 inch dowel pins into the holes and fit into the vise so the plate is
hanging on the pins. Then tighten the vise and mill off enough material until
the milled surface is flat. If you don't have a digital read out, you can position the
tholes using the dials on the mill.
Joe Pieczinski has a real good You Tube video of this, way better than
my explanation here.....Look up angle plates on YouTube under Joe Pi.
That is the best ways I know to make your own angle plates. I use 1/4 inch
thick material to make these and will make pairs of them for the more commonly used angles.
There are other ways as well. You can use a little simple trigonometry
to find the corners of a plate and lay it out that way. Scribe the lines
in lay out dye and position in the mill vise very carefully and mill off each side. This method is going to be less accurate depending on how well you measure
and position.
My first choice is the rotary table followed by the DRO method. The trig
method will work but accuracy will likely suffer somewhat possibly due to measurement difficulty.
There are probably other ways as well to accomplish this as well.
If I can help in any way or if you have any questions, feel free to ask.