Newbie in need of milling vise advice

When I was in your shoes a while back I asked the same question.
Following advice from some here I went with a 4" Kurt.
I can't speak for the other brands but I'm very happy I went with a Kurt.
I have a bunch of different vices, er vises. They run the range from 1" tool makers vises to a 24" twin screw shaper vise. The Kurt vises are very nice, no question about it, but I have several cheaper versions of the Kurt that are almost as good and at less than 1/3 the cost. I wouldn't recommend a screwless vise as the only vise for your mill, you just can't put the same amount of gronk on a part for heavy stock removal. The Shars vises are a nice vise and I like them but the bodies aren't very hard so in use you have to be very careful not to ding them up and if you do get the occasional ding stone it to keep the accuracy. I like having the swivel base but I concur with the others, it uses up z and is only needed occasionally. My advice would be to use your budget as your guide. If you can afford the Kurt, buy it, if not buy the best your budget allows. I have several of the vises that enco used to sell and for the money they were great when I was starting out. Shars or glacern are probably some of the best bang for the buck that I have experience with now. You can put a six inch vise on your mill but it will be a little big and don't forget heavy. I think my six inch vises weigh about 80 pounds. Enough rambling for now if you have more questions ask away.

Hello, my name is Brian and I'm a toolaholic.