New Radius Turner

First I tried two ball shoulder bearings, but there was too much runout. Maybe it was a preload issue... I don't know. By the time I got the shaft tight enough to be rigid, the bearings were "cogging". I switched to a bronze bushing, and it is much more secure and stable.

I have some 1" Bronze rod. I'll have to give that a try.
That's exactly what I used. 1" 660 bronze rod. I left a full 1" shoulder on the top to give as much support as possible to the swivel. There is a 1/4" bolt running through it for the pivot.

Nice simple tool, I have a ball turner on my list of to do projects. Why does that pesky job have to interrupt my weekends?
Question, do you think a good Needle bearing would be good in it, I don't have any bronze right now but I do have some nice needle bearings.
Depending on the size and whether you can get them tight enough, they could work. It's hard to say. I thought my shoulder bearings would work, but they didn't. :grin:
