New PM-728V-T Mill

Finally connected the encoder to the Acorn board to test proof of concept. It works.

PM728 rpm.jpg

acorn rpm.jpg
Not sure if the map is updating but it doesn't look like the Osprey is going to make NYC by Friday?
The map shows where the ship was on the 6/1/20, that date is on the screen
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You can see them on marinetraffic . com it's another AIS site which at this time is showing them to be steaming along at 17knts
Hi Guys - sort of off the last topic of discussion here, but - any thoughts/experiences with the quality of the PM Taiwan-made vs PM Chinese-made machines? Looks like in general the Taiwanese machines are about $1000 or so more than the equivalent Chinese machines, e.g. 728 vs 727 models. Is the quality and accuracy that much better, worth the cost?