New Lathe Purchase

Most of life I had 6 in. of sawdust in my shops and spent as much time looking for my tools as working. About the time I turned 50 I started to keep things cleaned up a little. When we built a place to retire to in the mountains I designed my shop with built-in dust collection, plenty of storage, easy access and good lighting. Now I try to keep it fairly clean.

Back to the lathe, I have ordered the PM1030V with the QCTP from Matt at Precision Matthews. It is expected to be be available for pickup in 3 - 4 weeks.

Thanks for all your comments,

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How loud is your dust collector? I have a 2 H.P. Oneida Dust Gorilla(I refused to use the Dust Gorilla decal!!!). It is so loud I can't hear myself think !!! They had advertised 75 db.,which I think it greatly EXCEEDS!!!!!My motor clears the ceiling by only a few inches,like your's does,so I thought I'd ask,although your unit seems to be a Penn State.

I wish I had the energy(and less back trouble) to keep my shop that clean! I just plain have too much stuff,even with 450' of shelving+ cabinets.
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The dust collector is a Penn State with a 2.5 hp motor and is also rated at 75 db. It is pretty loud but not too bad when run by itself or with a smaller tool. My table saw, jointer and planer all run 3 hp motors and I usually wear ear protection when running these with the collector.
Not fair! You've planned ahead, most of us buy tools, stock, benches, brooms, etc.
when opportunity trips us. Don't worry about old skills, most of us just ask some-
one else among our more skilled members (who often compete among themselves
to give the cleverest answer to your problem. ........BLJHB.
Ok, just looked at this. +1 on where is everything else, I just have a shared 1 care garage and I cannot keep it clean, and you have a lot more heated and cooled space and it is to neat and tidy to even be used. one question, What do you do about all the welding fumes, and stuff. I did not see an exhaust fan. Welcome, People here will help you out. I know nothing about the PMs but many keep talking about them. Again welcome and have fun, if you are waiting on a new one to arrive, keep looking around the site, ant you will find that you may have a growing list of want to projects before it arrives.
Nice shop. :beer mugs: As far as a lathe, get the biggest lathe you can. Small parts on a big lathe is easy, Big parts an a small lathe, not so much.
"Back to the lathe, I have ordered the PM1030V with the QCTP from Matt at Precision Matthews. It is expected to be be available for pickup in 3 - 4 weeks.

Thanks for all your comments,

Jon, I like your shop too. My 40'x64' shop is cluttered and full of everyone else crap. I am dedicating a 16'x20' room to metal working, another 16'x20' room to reloading, Ham radio equipment and an office. the rest is/will be cold storage and wood working.

My PM1030V will hit American soil next week, or so I'm told. If so that will make it around 5 weeks. I ordered the base and QCTP too. If it is half the machine it is supposed to be I will be a happy camper. Welcome from another newbie.

I just noticed this is my first post.

Wow, it sounds like several of us ordered the exact same lathe. I ordered mine back around the end of March or early April though. But in defense of Matt I was warned they had just received a shipment that was sold out so I'd be waiting for several months before a new shipment arrived. But I did order the 1030v as well with QCTP and a couple other minor extras. So it is good to hear the shipment has arrived and Matt will be inspecting the machines for shipping real soon. I'm sure there be be more than just a couple questions once my machine arrives up here and I get to start running it. But good luck on your new lathe Jon, and add me to the list of people jealous of your spotless shop. My garage is full of stuff from our farm and my kids old toys. Lol.