New Harbor Freight bandsaw stand

I have one. It works well. Like any thing from HF, it is really a kit. I had to modify the switch lock to fit my Bauer (??) bandsaw. Also, there is no vise or clamp to hold the work. I have improvised with a drill press table clamp, but I have to come up with something better.
I have one. Seems to be made very well, a knock-off of a Milwaukee portaband stand at 1/3 the price.
I also had to modify the trigger switch hold on. Kind of a PIA to set up. And kind of fiddly.
Thought I’d like it but I just use the saw by itself now, hand held. Works better for me. YMMV
I guess if you already have the saw, it might be ok. I bought this, and it’s been good. It has a vise, and quick release screw.It occurs to me that if my saw fails, my stand will be useless though.