New car

Went to change the oil..
Actually, looking foreword to doing an oil change on this one. The filter is on the front of the engine, top side, right next to the coolant bottle.
This is shamelessly borrowed from on line...

I've yet to put it on the lift to see where the drain plug is... Maybe that makes up for it! lol
Drive a POS and never hit anything .
…or get hit.
Drove my little 1990 Toyota pickup for 29 years and two months. Traded it in on a new-to-me Tacoma in great shape, foolishly thought it might be my last truck. Eight months later some fool runs a red into the side of me and another guy. Truck gone, just like that… :confused:
I just bought my wife a new 2024 Cross Trek. I'm a Chevy guy but it's what she wanted. One of those happy wife, happy life type of things. The damn little thing cost me $37k. It's got more bells and whistles than you can ever imagine. The outside mirrors have little lights that come on when another car is next to you. She has had it for 2 weeks now and is still learning about features it has. It doesn't have any keys, just a remote. I'm wondering how you get in it if the battery goes dead.

I inherited her2015 equinox. It's had a lot of problems lately, cost a ton of money to have it fixed. She put new tires on it and it's in perfect condition other than 175k miles. Carvanna offered us $400 for it. She was willing to let it go for $1000 after putting $4k in repairs in it. I'll keep it for now until something else goes wrong with it. But for as little as I drive now hopefully that won't be for awhile.
New car? Don't you have full collision insurance? It sounds like you intend to fix it on your dime.

The previous girl friend got a new (to her) import box (don't remember make or model).
She had only had it a couple weeks before she hit a deer (probably 50 MPH, Grass Valley, CA). Insurance totaled it. She got all the money back because we had gotten it for slightly less than market value. We went back to the same source and got another one.
I just bought my wife a new 2024 Cross Trek. I'm a Chevy guy but it's what she wanted. One of those happy wife, happy life type of things. The damn little thing cost me $37k. It's got more bells and whistles than you can ever imagine. The outside mirrors have little lights that come on when another car is next to you. She has had it for 2 weeks now and is still learning about features it has. It doesn't have any keys, just a remote. I'm wondering how you get in it if the battery goes dead.

I inherited her2015 equinox. It's had a lot of problems lately, cost a ton of money to have it fixed. She put new tires on it and it's in perfect condition other than 175k miles. Carvanna offered us $400 for it. She was willing to let it go for $1000 after putting $4k in repairs in it. I'll keep it for now until something else goes wrong with it. But for as little as I drive now hopefully that won't be for awhile.
At least in my Subarus there's an emergency key that's embedded in the key fob. You push a button on the back of the fob and it slides out. I keep 2032 cells around to repair things like this. The battery is pretty easy to replace. At least my fobs are quite sensitive to battery voltage, so the battery must be decent, not some stale cheapo things sold on Amazon. Brand name batteries are fine, off brand are typically old and their voltage under load sags below the need of the fob. A dead or low battery will lock you out of the car.
New car? Don't you have full collision insurance? It sounds like you intend to fix it on your dime.
Yeah, it's insured. I just don't get the mentality that we shouldn't worry about cost if it's insured. Ultimately, we pay for the repairs in higher insurance premiums. (The Insurance companies aren't going in the red!). The dealer parts markup comes from all our pockets. There's no way a headlight should be multiple thousands of dollars, or a pair of taillights be $1400!

The F-150 just developed an intermittent loss of the touch screen. It went black then blue screened going down the road. I suspect a bad connector somewhere, maybe on the high speed can bus, but don't know for sure. It's under warranty for 6-7 more months. Hopefully they can figure it out on the scheduled appointment I have. If they can't, and it fully fails the repair is a multiple thousand dollar out of pocket repair...

I'd love to drive an older one. The '08 F-150 only had 80K when I had to sell it, because it made me sick. Basically my health issues won't allow me to ride in anything that's full of molds/microbials that grow in the carpets/seats/air boxes and AC coils of them after a few years.