Well, it's all done and installed on the lathe. My potentiometer came today. I just wires it in. Ill have to double check the top speed with this pot. The old one was 1k this is 4.7k. The controller wants 5k. Close enough. But I'll do that tomorrow. I'm not going to double check 2000rpm with a 6" 4 jaw chuck on the spindle. Pucker factor goes up pretty high at that speed.
I didn't take a picture of the control cabinet installed cause, well, I forgot, and it was cold. I wasn't in the garage tonight, so the heat isn't on... I'm still pretty peeved about my mill motor drying.
The control box looks odd and out of place up there, but that's where my drum switch was, so it's natural for me to have my hand sitting up there on the gear box lid handle. And actually, it's quite comfortable to have my hand resting on top of the box controlling the fwd/stop/rev buttons. I did a bit of threading up to a shoulder last night, and it was quite comfortable and controllable. At very low speed, I can use the reverse button as almost a brake incase I don't stop the motor in time not to run into the shoulder.
Over-all, quite happy with this.
Next, I guess I have to figure out what happened to the milling machine motor and it's smoke show last night. Maybe a VFD in my future...?
Annnnd, I'm going on Saturday to pick up a surface grinder!!! EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee