Success on Step 1!!!
Milled my piece of 5/8" aluminum with cutouts similar to Mr. Whoopee's and it fits perfectly. Sorry, no pix tonight, but I'll post some tomorrow. The most challenging part was drilling for the tapped holes in the end of the cross slide. Fortunately, I have an 8" angle plate that I mounted and indicated on my mill, but it took almost all the tolerance I had to mount the cross slide standing on end. Clamped it to the angle plate, drilled and tapped the holes and it matched up perfectly.
I suppose in the grand scheme of things, there's a silver lining to my asking an abbreviated question instead of giving a full-blown description of my objective. Having never drilled a long, skinny hole, I was not aware of the complications associated with such an effort. Now I know. Hopefully, some of our other rookies were able to learn from this as well.
Now on to the big challenge - cutting the glass scale. At the moment, I'm considering the best course of action is to reassemble the cross slide with the extension plate on it, and go through some exercises to determine optimal length.
To be continued...