Need multiple DRO's

I just installed a DRO on my mill after a long time considering it and wrote about it here:

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my reason for going with that unit is that it was somewhat affordable (compared to other alternatives) but still with a good resolution (.0002) which is what I didn't really like about the iGaging scales (advertized resolution of .002). For the mill I also wanted a DRO that would have at least some basic functionalities like - calculate half distance (center parts), multiple hole patterns, and combination of those functions over X+Y axis which the less expensive units don't offer.
I'll just make one comment on the subject, Charley. On grinding equipment, most of them are designed to do precision work and the dials are marked in small units. Some read directly in tenths, some split tenths. Not all DRO units are equal to the intended and original design precision that your machines can do. I wouldn't be happy "downgrading" the capability to split tenths if my machine was capable of doing it just to save a few bucks on the readouts. Just food for thought.