Need Advice For Using a Chucking Reamer

Interesting idea that I've never considered. I think I'd want to experiment with that a bit before trying it out on a
part that counts. Or, as mikey suggested, set it up on the QCTP, and just use the carriage itself.
Just for future reference, if you have a QCTP then you can buy or make a tool holder with a drill chuck attached. It takes more to set up and get it on center but you can then use the saddle to give you all the travel you need when using this tool.

I've always been curious but how do you indicate that? Do you pu a DTI in the spindle and move it slowly around the cutter?
I put a center in the spindle and the chuck, then stick a razor blade between them and sight it until the blade is square. A pain but it gets me close enough.
Ok sounds like a decent idea? I’ve never seen it done to make the drill or even the endmill on center. I feel like it is a practice that i should know.
Since I don't own a milling machine, I had to give some thought to how I would slit the sleeve. I decided the cold saw would do the job,
since I have a vice that can be clamped into it. I first pressed a 1/2" OD length of aluminum rod into the sleeve, to keep it from pinching
as the saw cut through. Worked great.


The part was cleaned up and, as usual blued and oil finished. Done.

Very nice! When I made mine I just drilled with 1/2". The inside is not as smooth as yours must be but it seems to clamp down fine. I wonder if there is any difference in rigidity when holding a boring bar? Perhaps I will remake mine and ream it!