Need a way to round corners

I use a router when rounding over the edges of aluminum. If you have a jig that allows the use of the router on wood, you might be able
to use it that way on aluminum as well. I always take very light cuts, and have never had a problem. but of course you would have to
experiment carefully.
Interesting thought, Greytech. I guess you could use a large radius tool, and move perpendicular to the plane of the rounded corner. By Jove, I think you have it! Will try this and report!
So the only roundover bit I had was a 5/8" radius, tried it on an aluminum plate...see below. I'm very satisfied with this, in that it's very easy and fast, and precise, compared to either a rotary table or sanding or grinding. You could set up a mill stop and knock these out like crazy.

My thanks to Graytech! Maybe everybody but me knew about this, but I just never thought of using the tool this way.

Weird, the picture looked right when I downloaded, oriented and saved it. I pasted it, and it looked good while I typed, then turned around by itself. Will never understand why it's so hard to get them oriented right.

Roundover bit.jpg
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@Winegrower - please don't take this the wrong way, honest question here...What else do you use them for? haha

The only thing I've ever used them for is that, and cutting radii in the lathe, is there another use I'm not thinking of?
If adding a radius to the corners of different parts everyday there is really only one way that will do so easily without a good deal of setup.
You will not like this method however.
I usually grind them on the belt sander, first nipping off the corner on the bandsaw saves time and sanding belts.
SClead, I just thought of them as rounding edges along the long side of a part. Duh, never considered working crosswise. As I say, everybody but me knew this, i guess. Well, that's the value of this site. Thanks, all.
Don't sell yourself short winegrower, I've never seen anyone use them quite like this, and it wasn't mentioned in any other replies. I came up with it to round corners on 1/8 plate rather than set up my rotary table. It's fast, it's simple and it's far more elegant than a grinder or sander, just what you ordered. Bet you will be looking to complete your set of corner rounding endmills now.

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