Need a 1 1/2-8 tap?

I also don't have an immediate need for the tap and I missed that you had mention to be put on the list. I am good with remaining #3 for the list of 2.
OK. Lets see what gi_984 has to say.
Okay, had to wait until I talked to the guy to verify dimensions. These taps are BIG! Especially the 1 5/8 and 2 1/8. The good news is the 1 1/2-8 taps will fit into a small US Postal priority box. So that means $26 delivered to you. $20 for the tap and $6 flat rate shipping Priority mail. And no I'm not making money on this. Just passing on a deal to my fellow machinists. So wa5cab has dibs on the first one. Please send me a message for address and shipping info. Vince and Rob you are second and third in line. I'll ask the old guy verify the quantity he has. He was litteraly tripping over boxes of stuff to get to the drawers with these taps.
Luckily he had a fourth 1-1/2 8 tap so it was good to stay on as 3rd in a list of 2.

For the record, I received mine. And it looked like the one in the photo above (may have actually been that one). Thanks. Sorry for the late response but things got hectic around here the middle of last week (and still are).