My take on a Tanginal tool holder

Actually, it's tangential, but who's counting? ;)

Sorry for the misspelling it seems to be a lost art these days . Spelling Unfortunatly is not my strong point ,I hated school and much prefered being in the workshop tinkering ,
Don't worry about it. Everyone knew what you meant. Glad its working out for you!
Ive seen the sets of OK ones....seems they were so pretty,they were never used for fear of soiling the lovely polished surfaces,all in a fitted wooden case.
I'd like to see a picture of the OK ones. These are the ones I use, as you moper, I am pleased by how well TT holders work.
I'd like to see a picture of the OK ones. These are the ones I use, as you moper, I am pleased by how well TT holders work.
Found this pic
The one I made in the pictures previously was a bit of trial to see how they perform ,I have started on one more right hand and two left hand ,I will pass one st onto father and keep a left and right as I can see from just the short amount I've used this one it will be the most used tool out of most of my lathe tools .I did look into annd nearly purchased the eccentric ones but thought nah I can make one myself as I have the means and use the money on something else ,Definatly if I was starting out again and had limited stuff I definatly would purchase the eccentric ones for sure as in the long run I'd only have half the tool holders I have now

Sorry for the misspelling it seems to be a lost art these days . Spelling Unfortunatly is not my strong point ,I hated school and much prefered being in the workshop tinkering ,
Nothing to be sorry for, Moper. My response wasn't aimed at correcting you're spelling, it was aimed at correcting the incorrect correction that preceded it. ;) Besides, like Mike said, we all knew what you meant anyway. Otherwise, no one would have known what to correct in the first place. Don't sweat the small stuff. Thanks for posting your tool holders. Good job!

Back on topic, I have the same brand of TT holders that Tozguy has, (It's hard to misspell TT. :grin: Thanks, Toz.) and they do a great job. I should be using them more often. I drifted away from them when I went on a fruitless search for an insert with a reliable aluminum chip breaker. But, that's a topic for another day and another thread.

Don't get me started on spelling and grammar on a machinist forum, there are not enough hours in a day... :eek 2: I will just keep chuckling at funny mistakes and guessing at meanings. The result of a strict Catholic school upbringing, not my choice. I often start to lose track of the fact that communication is the real goal.

Then there is punctuation. The phrase "eats shoots and leaves" can have quite different meanings depending on if or where you put the comma(s).
Nothing to be sorry for, Moper. My response wasn't aimed at correcting you're spelling, it was aimed at correcting the incorrect correction that preceded it. ;) Besides, like Mike said, we all knew what you meant anyway. Otherwise, no one would have known what to correct in the first place. Don't sweat the small stuff. Thanks for posting your tool holders. Good job!

Back on topic, I have the same brand of TT holders that Tozguy has, (It's hard to misspell TT. :grin: Thanks, Toz.) and they do a great job. I should be using them more often. I drifted away from them when I went on a fruitless search for an insert with a reliable aluminum chip breaker. But, that's a topic for another day and another thread.

Haha Its water of a ducks back really Tom ,we shall just use the term TT much easier lol.I was on another forum looking at what we will call now TT holders And there was just the same discussion there on the spelling of the same tool with various different attempts at spelling it haha