My Next Project

I'm making headway on the Train.Rebuilt the 4 barrel 'chester carb and swaped out the old alternator for a 100 amp model.Got a new distributer for more Zap.So all in all should be ready to hear her run by Tuesday. Then it's time to work my way thru that rat's nest of wiring. Not looking forward to that part of the job. Got some pictures taken and if you look close you can see my uncle Jack hooking up the starter.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

train 073.jpg train 074.jpg train 075.jpg train 071.jpg
The beast lives again.Fired up today and she runs smooth.Now all I have to do is get rid of 50 years of patches instead of fixes and she should be ready to go.
I took a video of her running but still have to figure out how to post it.
************The Fun Never Stops**********************Gator*********************
Been working on the train.Seems like for every improvement and upgrade I make on this project 3 more things give give up and break.I like a challenge but this one is trying my patience.I'v been replacing one wire at a time. Double crimped and heat shrinked over the ends.
I be darned if somebody didn't used some 4 pair phone wire to power the coil.I except by the time I get done I'll have 10 lbs of wire taken out to get her to run.
A new glitch the steering column key switch decided to stop working." Oh Spit "{Cleaned up for forum use}
Pictures to follow. train wireing 008.jpg train wireing 004.jpg train wireing 002.jpg
*********Thanks for Looking***********************G*******************
Worked on the Train today.Took her down to my buddies shop to set the timing and adjust the carb. Then a quick test drive around the warehouses next door.Rides like an old John Deer tractor with no springs . Since this was her first trip under her own power I broke out the flags and did it right.Shes a beast to turn and you need a copilot in the jump seat to tell you whats on that side since you can't see over the "Boiler" Turning radius is about 80' so you really have to think ahead.
train 092.jpg train 092.jpg train 100.jpg train 096.jpg

Shes a dog off the line but when you get rolling she picks up speed in a hurry.
Talked to the group that owns her and we got the go ahead to fix the wiring and work on the rear axle.
******More Pictures Later*****************Gator*************
Wow! I've brought home a lot of projects that got me in trouble over the past 33 years of marriage. That one would put me waaaay over the top. Congratulations!
cool cars 069.jpg cool cars 070.jpg train 097.jpg Here is a view from the drivers side in the train. ***JADIP****************G*****************************
My friend Brian shot this short video the train on the move. It's a little bouncy cause he was blowing the horns and whistle and ringing the bell.
Hope this works .
Here is the link.
And a few pictures of the train on the move from the drivers view point.
***********JADIP********************Gator****************************:bash computer:*****************************
train 103.jpg train 105.jpg train 108.jpg
