My New 12X36.

Two things, first: bushings. You can open up the bore in a gear and install a bronze bushing. You can size the bore to accept a stock bushing. Second : don't fear the 4 jaw. You can center it up in two turns. Chuck it up close to center and set up your indicator. turn one full revolution noting the high and low numbers. Split the difference and you have your magic number. With your magic number line up a set of jaws with your indicator and adjust them to that number, turn 90* and repeat. Check it out, you should be done. IE: my numbers are .010 low and .040 high. A difference of .030. Half of that is .015. I add .015 to .010 and get .025. .025 is my number. I dial both sets of jaws to this number and check. I should be really close. Good enough if measuring thousandths not tenths. Alternately, when I achieve my magic number I can rotate the chuck until it reads that number and then ste the dial to 0. Now I set the jaws to 0. I just don't take that extra step myself. Two chuck keys help speed things along and would be a good learning project with your milling attachment.
On the paper thickness subject, I did some "miking".

.003" several different brand Steno style note pads
.003" small (sandwich) brown paper bags
.004" 20# Hammermill printer paper
.004-.005 several different brands of legal pad.
.005" 24# Hammermill printer paper
.007-.009" medium to large (typical size) brown paper grocery bags.

Interestingly, every sample that I measured fell right on an integer thousandth.

It's been years since I last saw any of those pads of writing paper that we commonly called "tablets". The ones with no filler that you couldn't write on with a fountain pen because the ink would spread out into the paper. It might be what the person who originally wrote the instruction was talking about.

Also, my comment night before last about setting the gear lash missed the first two or three steps. You would start at the screw gear (or the input to the QC GB) and work toward the spindle, stud or tumbler pivot gear, one mesh point at a time.

Robert D.