My Name Is Pt And I Have A Land Rover, Machinery, And Tooling Addiction

Welcome to the madness.:beer mugs: Now we need pictures. We love tool porn.
It is a nasty affliction, but the HIGH is so sweet. Mike
Just buy your wife a Land Rover like I did for mine. Since, she has been way more receptive to my other "addictions". ;)


She drives an '01 DII.

Before that she's had a DI, RRC and a P38.

She wants an LR3, I want an L322 :-)
A B & O # 3 ! That brings back some memories . I bought one back around 84' . It only had a 3 j chuck on it , so it didn't really fill my turret lathe requirement . I traded it plus some $s' for a Warner Swasey # 3 w/ collet system and bar feed , I'd run that thing all day and then I was wore out !
As things turned out, I wasn't able to get it Sunday as a client's truck was delivered from Pennsylvania just as I began to pull the trailer out from behind the shop

Hoping for this weekend and hoping it doesn't get bought out from under me
THERE IS A CURE FOR TOOL ADICTION get 1 or more of everything, not an easy cure but possible. bill
If this should take off well for you, and you want to keep it in house, the smartest thing IMO would be to source a small, used CNC lathe with a bar feed. It can run lights out and make the money while you sleep. It might just cost a lot less than you think.