MT3 to 2 & MT3 to 1 adapters?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan H.
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A little research on Jacobs, Dormer and others via MSC.

The Jacobs are "soft with hardened tang". 雅各布是在中国制造的 (The Jacobs is made in China).:grin:

The Dormers are "oil toughened hardness". Der Dormer ist in Deutschland hergestellt!:grin: :grin:

They also sell Accupro and Collis which are "Hardened and Ground Throughout Hardness". El Accupro se fabrica en España. :grin::grin::grin: कॉलिस भारत में किया जाता है। (The Collis is made in India.) :grin::grin::grin::grin:

So what would one what (edit: want) in a tailstock adapter - soft or hard? I assume for the hobbyist, it makes no difference. For a production environment, I assume "Hard as the Hobs of Hell" is better.

I am betting that McMaster would send you Jacobs or Accupro.
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Okay! One of my friends and mentor here solved the MT3 to MT2 adapter source for me by sending me an ebay link.

The MT3 to MT1 adapter is still a work in progress.

So here's the Sioux that's now coming (NOS, complete with drift):
Nice find!

Maybe I'm getting Collis confused with Collins? MSC does list some of the Collis sleeves as USA but there's also some marked India.

I think Mcmaster might supply Jacobs as well but I doubt they would supply Accupro. Accupro is a MSC brand & products in the Accupro line vary for COO.

I'm happy with my ZLive stuff. They seem to be well made. I have 2 live centers from ZLive, when I ordered my first one I ordered some of their sleeves. Otherwise I wouldn't have ordered them just by themselves. My other live centers are Skoda.

Just curious, what do you use that has a MT1 shank?
Thanks Will for the feedback on Z Live Center. They sell a bull nose center that I have eyed before.

My need for a MT3 to MT1 is minimal as you allude to. I do have a 9/16 spiral reamer that is coming that's a MT1. I am also in the initial throws of building out a decent collection of taper shank drill bits and if I land some smaller ones, then the MT1 adapter will be handy. But it is not a high priority and I am likely not going to spend too much on one for very limited use.

I may buy the one from McMaster just to see what they send. I am curious and as always, I have other stuff in my cart waiting for the click of the order button.
Ah, taper shank drills & reamers, that makes sense!
If you do order adapters from Mcmaster, please share what brand you get. Mcmaster pretty much never sells junk.

. . . . . . . . . . .
Okay Will, both adapters received now.

The MT3 to 2 is a Sioux "made in USA" and acquired from ebay. It's the more important of the two I bought since it will be used far more the the MT3 t0 1.

I bought the MT3 to 1 from McMaster to see what they'd send and it is a Jacobs. The finish is very good and it appears to be excellent. I too have never gotten junk from McMaster. I suspect the Jacobs is made in Taiwan or ML China since it not proudly marked USA.

Here's a side by side photo of the two I bought:
MT3 adapters.jpg