moving 12" rotary table

Get yourself a "toolcart" and when you wanna put it on the mill lower or raise the table to the same height as cart and slide in on the table. Let the machine do the work.

I lucked out on local craigslist & bought a hydraulic lift table for $100. It has a foot pump to raise and lower a 16" square sheet steel top. It lets me get right up to the table to slide a turntable etc off and roll nearby to a bench top to slide off onto a sheet of HVAC tin screwed to the surface. I have also used it to move a 18 X 24 granite surfce plate from a guys garage 50 feet to my trunk. It also serves well as a portable tool-holding surface by the mill etc.
Keep it simple. I simply store mine where I can crank the mill table over to it and slide it into place.
