Ahem...may I direct you to the
actual words from my post:
In any case, even if I
had used the word "most", my prefixing it with "one of the", would have clearly indicated I was not intending to suggest it held top spot in the expense stakes.
As for, what's wrong with US terminology, I wasn't referring to measurement systems,
but the insistence that swing be measured as a diameter, rather than as a radius. After all, it's the distance to the ways that is of interest.
As I've said often, Metric vs Imperial is mostly a distraction. Well, apart from the fact that Metric does has a rather annoying gap between resolutions at a certain point: going from measuring 0.01 mm to 0.001 mm feels like a bigger jump (for hobbyist purposes), than going from thous to tenths. It's why I find myself with a minor preference for Imperial.
Anyway, thank you for playing!