Move 3800-Pound Lathe in Penske Truck?

That sounds great, but you're talking about three people, and I'm going to be alone.

Here, a lift starts at $405.00 per day.
then cough up the cash. Plenty of knowledgeable people have given you good advice about other alternatives, but it appears none of them will work for you.
They got back to me with prices for loading and unloading. One one end, $1800. On the other, $3100. So $4900 plus around $800 for a truck and fuel.

That is pretty ridiculous. I had a ~2000lb lathe and a bridgeport delivered for less that half that - loading, a couple hours sitting in traffic, then a few miles on a dirt road and finally navigating a couple hundred yards of unpaved driveway before unloading on an unpaved clearing into a barn.

Might want to ask around (though it sounds like you already have), maybe ask some machine shop owners in the vicinity (if there are any) who they use/recommend, or something. I sure wasn't getting a deal from my guys, but I then again I couldn't find anyone else who would even take on the job.
I moved two 14,000 lb. + machines this year. Tilt bed trailer and an 18,000 lb. electric winch pulled by a 2001 Ford pickup. Slow and careful up and the same coming off. Had a little scare when the milling machine spit a skate out while unloading, but all came out well.

I've worked around farm and industrial equipment all my life and drove big trucks pulling flatbed freight for a while, so I do have experience strapping loads down and driving with heavy loads. I wouldn't really advise somebody with no experience to try to do what I did.

I agree that those prices are crazy, though.
The OP wants the equipment to be “put down” in his shop. It may be that the putting down is the hard part, not the moving. From the OP comments, I suggest you stay away from doing anything and pay the price. Have a beer, watch and learn.
I always find these types of threads interesting and amusing just because of everyone's different circumstances . There most likely is no correct answer to the OP's question other than is it worth it to YOU to pay the $$$$$ . A 3800 lb. lathe is either a very old piece of American Iron or a very large newer import . The thing I find most interesting is the $80 an hour to haul it . I wouldn't pay ANYONE to move , haul , load , transport , drop etc any tools that I was using in a hobby shop. I'm sorry , but 7 grand is out of the question , but maybe I'm in the wrong business .

Rigging up and moving equipment is no big deal . Consider all machines top heavy and strap accordingly . Moving them into a basement with steps involved would be a task , but not impossible . I would NEVER do it again . You're going to pay getting them in AND out when you sell . I blew the cinderblock wall out of my original place and put a 12' door in to get my machines in there . A forklift is dirt cheap to rent , remember the correct tool for the job rule . It takes one person to operate , not 3 .

I dropped my first lathe on its face when moving it . A slight move and the dolly shifted nearly killing the cat and cracking the concrete floor . 17" x 72" Alpine/ Voest . Couple new handles , a party with a few friends and a few cases of beer was all it took to get 'er back up and running .

I guess the question would be is do you really want to move these things into a basement for that cost ? I sure wouldn't , but I've done many more worsery things than that in the past . :grin: