I couldn't stand to work for someone that yelled and screamed all the time just to make up for his shortcomings. If a boss treats me with respect, I'll give him well over 100%, but **** on me once and that's it. I've always tried to go above and beyond, but there are just some jobs you can't do it with. I honestly don't know how you stuck it out as long as you did, other than needing a job to pay bills. I've been lucky, I've had a job that I always liked what I was doing. I started out in tool design and absolutely hated it. I hated sitting at a desk. I finally got the job I have now and have always been satisfied. Well other than some of the bureaucratic B.S. that goes along with it and any job for that matter. You're always going to have some. If a person looks hard enough, just like in that article, one can always find a reason to hate a job.