This is a late model round-dial 10EE. They were only available with motor/generator (MG) drives. Tube drive machines were not introduced until several years after the last round-dial was built.
$1300 for that lathe with the tooling mentioned is a great deal! Go give him the money now!!!:thumbsup:
Worry about picking it up later. (We can talk about that another time.)
A VFD could be used to run the motor/generator, but that's overkill. We can do it for less money. Tearing out a working MG set and replacing it with an AC motor and VFD is just nuts. Yes the MG is 3-phase, but that's no biggie. Get the machine, lets see what you've got and we'll go from there. For all we know, some idiot has already "upgraded" it to an AC motor and VFD--which would be like "upgrading" your classic 60's muscle car by dropping in the engine from a KIA (it's computer controlled an has fuel injection, so it must be better right? WRONG!)