Mill and Lathe Information


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Dec 10, 2021
I just purchases a Webb 2s Knee Mill and a National Gap-Bed 14x40 lathe from an estate auction, and I cannot find any information on either one. It appears that Webb might still be in business, but their website is no help and google has turned up almost nothing as well. Does anyone have any information or resources about either one that could be helpful?

I did go view them before purchase and the lathe is in great shape from what I can tell and the mill is in pretty good shape, but I won't get to see them again until Friday, so I don't have any specifications or pictures to go by.
I don’t see a lot online as you said, but what I did see they look like great machines. Congratulations! Pretty exciting buying machines! Are they 3 phase?
I assume they are three phase. They were set up in an actual machine shop with another Mill and 3 more lathes, the smallest of which had a 9' bed. I'm looking at rotary converters now, but I need to check the motor specs to make sure I get one big enough.
I need to check the motor specs to make sure I get one big enough.
Determine the HP on the larger motor. Double it, and round UP. When I got my RPC, the larger of my two tools was 3HP. I decided to buy a 10 HP converter, and I'm glad I did. I have upgraded to a 5HP lathe which probably would have meant upgrading the RPC as well.

(Nice score, BTW.)
