Mig vs Multi-Process machine

I always vote for wait and see when it's not dire need. I have had so many amazing deals fall into my lap when I've decided to let it ride and keep my eyes open. I always thought the small welders were a joke until we were working as private contractors and the guy I was working with brought in a 175T. It has the funkiest looking plastic drive and it so small looking. After 2yrs of day in day out use and never giving us a bit of trouble I decided to buy one. But they never come up used. I used a 100 Lincoln and it was actually a good little machine for small light work and was like $400 at HomeDump. Went down to get one and couldn't find one on the shelf. Asked for some help and the person said all I've got is this 175T that somebody priced as the 100 so I have to sell it to you for that price! I thought how in the world did I come in here set on a little 110 machine and walk out with the big 220v for the same price?
Will keep an eye out for a good used machine,

You want a badass good used machine? It might be out of your budget, but HTP has on their FB page that they have a Pro Pulse 200 MIG for $1795 w/ 1.5 year warranty. It is set-up for aluminum with a specific MIG gun and rollers (no spoolgun required), but you can switch out the rollers and MIG gun for steel counter-parts obviously. The synergic pulse programs it has are freakin awesome! Using the Precision-Aluminum-Welding (P.A.W.) synergic pulsed-spray program, you can weld aluminum down to 0.028-0.032" thickness! On steel you can do down to 0.019", and for both it tops out slightly over ¼".