Micrometer Standard Set?

One caution, for your larger standards, they are very temperature sensitive. A 10" standard will grow .00065" for every 10 degree Fahrenheit rise. Of course if the mic and standard both have similar temp rise, there could be cancellation errors.
Our calibration lab uses gage blocks to calibrate the mic's.
A 10" standard will grow .00065" for every 10 degree Fahrenheit rise

You're number's right, I always did it this way. On a calculator, enter inches, enter difference in temperature in f, enter 5 0's (.00000) followed by 66, 63 for cast iron. hit enter. After a while you get good at feeling differences in temperature.
Another option might be to use end measures. Especially for very large sizes. Certainly cheap enough.


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You're number's right, I always did it this way. On a calculator, enter inches, enter difference in temperature in f, enter 5 0's (.00000) followed by 66, 63 for cast iron. hit enter. After a while you get good at feeling differences in temperature.

Some of us have sources of Invar 36 bar ("take it away, we need the space and we lost the certificates...") - so add another zero*, and access to Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machines used for *calibrating* other CMM standards, at work.... ;)

If you have a few good known length standards, then anything else can be calibrated from 'em with a little ingenuity!

I love the skip at work - even though my boss says it's "unprofessional", I'm not giving up my intimate relationship with it :)
Now I wonder whether they're going to scrap any Inovco... $

Dave H. (the other one)

* 1.2 ppm/C, 0.67 ppm/F
$ 0.55 ppm/C - but only from 20 - 100 C...