Metal clock from wooden clock plans

I have been building Gary's clock ( a very long term project ) out of brass & aluminum. A local guy contacted me about his build and the trouble that he was have making it run properly. He really dug into the gear arithmetic and found that the escapement wheel should be 20 teeth, not 18 as designed. Once he made the new wheel it ran perfectly.

This is my build to date :

However, in the time since I started the clock, I have had a huge education in my basement shop so, once I go back to the clock, I'll likely remake a lot of the parts.
I went to "Gary's Clock" web site but could not print out the blueprints/plans. Apparently have to have a special program I don't have . The only way I could print it would be "PDF" files I guess. Not being a computer literate the other way is not something I can do or am aware of. Other clock plans give you drawings IF you pay for them but will not give dimensions ??? because they're afraid of people sharing them for CNC. I paid $26 for a simple set from Clete Boyer and got them minus gear dimensions. You're suppose to paste them on the wood and trace, that doesn't work on metal or plastic to my satisfaction. Sent a note asking about that and never got an answer. Got the money why bother !!!
At this point frustration is what I've got so far.
PS -- Thanx Brian for the info on gears. Very interesting and SMALL. WOW.! !
Still looking though !
I have the DXF and the PDF files for Gary's clock. Gary gave me his blessing to distribute them free of charge when he shut his site down. I was getting a huge number of hits on those files every month and I knew the traffic wasn't for clock makers so I removed them. If you'd like to have copies, email me at and I'd be happy to email them to you.
Now let me see if I can answer these in the correct order. Steve ask if it was a dxf format ? I can only say I have a HP 5550 printer for the reg. size (8 1/2 x 11) I can print the pdf but that's all. As you can see beyond that it's Greek to me. when you say you print them out full size do you mean the dimensions or prints? If I have the dimensions on a legible clear print that's all I need. Doesn't have to be to scale. I'll check my spam folder to see if it stopping things. I appreciate your effort.
Hi Dave Yes I'd like to have the pdf plans I assume they have all the dimensions. I don't have CNC I just thought that can't be that difficult to build one. Time I have (maybe) I'll send you an Email. gotta understand I'm still amazed about cell phones.
Thanx to all the help on this.
I have uploaded the PDF and DXF files temporarily because of the interest on this thread. I don't know how long I'll leave them there; I'll probably just check to see if the download volume goes through the roof again from the web crawlers. If it does I'll have to remove them. Hope this helps those of you who have a real use for them.

You should be able to go to this link, right click and Save As...
Hi Dave
Got #1 copied and ran out of ink. I'll get #2 wed. Unfortunately we live about 50+ miles from a computer type store. I did try to send you a private mess. Your message board is full it said. and no more could be added. (popular guy). Thanx for the pdf file anyway, hope it doesn't get flooded.
Hi Dave
Got #1 copied and ran out of ink. I'll get #2 wed. Unfortunately we live about 50+ miles from a computer type store. I did try to send you a private mess. Your message board is full it said. and no more could be added. (popular guy). Thanx for the pdf file anyway, hope it doesn't get flooded.

I'll leave the files there for a while.

Apparently four PM's constitutes a full Inbox around these parts :) I'll keep an eye on the forum and make sure you get what you need.

David, the default message limit is 50 messages. 4 is not full.