Md to Toronto to Calgary to Md .

4 weeks away and only saw 30 minutes worth of rain on the entire trip , that was in Minneapolis when traveling west . The grass here at home is DEAD ! The weeds are doing GREAT ! WTH ? It'll take until December to yank these ******* out . :( Out west everything was burning , in the states as well as Canada . Jasper NP went up in flames while there and Cali has some bad fires also I read about . 2 months ago it rained every day , where'd it all go ? :dejected:
Wildfires , landslides , NOW hailstorms !!!! Wow . What else they got to throw around ? :eek: @Dabbler How did you make out John ? Matt and Farielle said it was one hell of a storm .
For us, no biggie. We got lots of pea sized hail, and it was coming down thickly. couldn't see across the street. But after 5 minutes, moderate rain, and then done. Our squash plants had a few shredded leaves, and we lost deadwood twigs in our trees. The corn came out fine.
I saw Youboob videos of the area . Looks like you were spared up there . :encourage:
Here are some ideas for your next trip...
We did Waterton this year . Beautiful place . Got tons of pics and we all would want to camp there in the future . When going thru Nanton , they had a show at the Air Museum . The plane out front was started up with the props spinning . Someone on here or CHMW club's Dad actually piloted this plane . We also went back to Emerald Lake , Banff and Canmore . Lots of places to see for sure . The kids are coming here in December so we'll plan for next years trip out . Most likely will be flying . Depending on what Greg decides , we might be out in October again . He's heading out to Colorado for a concert at Red Rocks . If he drives out , I'll go along for the ride and we'll head north up to Calgary thru the Parks . Hopefully we'll miss the landslides , wildfires and hailstorms , , you get it all ! :big grin: