Material Storage Ideas

I built this for all of my cutoffs and "usable" drops.
It rolls around nicely so it it easy to get to both sides and prevents a corner of the shop from getting to cluttered. Being able to move it also makes it easy to clean around.
I JUST finished a like project. I had no "gimme's" but can't resist a yard sale, auction or going-out-of-business sale with metal involved without going home broke and loaded down!
I went and scrounged paper shipping tubes of all sizes (and had a bunch saved of my own) from shipping houses, wallpaper stores, and better yet, rug stores for the big ones! I put them overhead in my (Opps, daughter's) garage, where the overhead is that has the main support beams that can handle the load. Most of the tubes are 2" to 6", and are all around 12' long. (longest that will fit)
I separated metals by type, and then sizes (somewhat, more to do)and it is SO NICE not pawing through every corner hunting for something! A lot of them are 10-12' long!
I plan to catalog what types, sizes, and lengths I have on a spreadsheet. (THAT will be "current" project #21,765.123.3 ! If I live until they are all done, I will live forever! 70 now)
Sorry for picture size. When I tried to upload image, it says a jpg file isn't an image???
I use buckets for small rounds flats squares etc and any longer stuff up to 4 feet lives in the bottom of pallets where the forks go on some racking I have . The long stuff either stands up in a corner of is laid flat to trip over