Marking Oil Cans - Any ideas?

I also use P-Touch labels but, after the label is applied, I wrap the can with 2" wide clear box sealing tape.
I am not familiar with P-touch labels, I a assume they can be purchased at a office supply store?
Yes, any office supply store should carry P-Touch (made by Brother). If not P-Touch they would probably have the cheaper alternative made by Dymo. I prefer the P-Touch though.

P-Touch also makes a harsh environment label that's supposed to be more resistant to water & oil. I have not tried it though. I just use the regular labels.
My Dad had a couple of those small brass oil cans. Good to see others like them too.

One of those in the picture belonged to my dad, too. I've bought several over the past few years. They are just neat! I like them! The bigger pump oiler in the picture belonged to my granddad. it's almost as old as me! I remember squirting oil all over the garage when I was very young, and getting in trouble for doing it too.
I have a half-dozen of the red Harbor Freight pressure oilers, I masked off the bottom halves and sprayed each with a different rattle-can color, then lettered the oil type on each with black enamel. They've held up pretty well for several years. I really like the brass tags idea posted earlier, however....