man , I gotta build me an indexer!

you can make do with two large hex nuts from your junk box, drill to fit, saw a slot in one of the nuts and clamp in mill vice. I have several works ok.
Any advice on a spin indexer, are they worth it, What can they do, and more importantly what cant they do. I've heard they can be used to sharpen drill bits and milling cutters, is this true. I gather they can only be used for 360 degree divisions and equal parts of 360. can other plates be fitted or is this sufficient.
Mark, love your approach, making our own stuff is my game too. Your draw bar is drawing out some interesting questions and answers as well.
Try village Press they have a book of projects by Ted Hanson I have built the dividing head detailed in this book. It will provide as many divisions as most commercial dividing heads. I found his plans to be easy to follow can built from your junk box it is one of the most handy items I have ever built
Just proves Marks a pattern maker too. He just does the job with what he has . A barker mill is what built small parts by the millions during the wars. There were rows and rows with women operators running 24-7 along with many other hand Miller's some had feeds or a lever or spinner type just making chips and parts. So don't underestimate there use . Marks work proves this . I think Marks mill is a Burke 4 or 5 but I'm not sure .
4 years ago when I posted that. It had the link to the tool in the pic. This site has gone through several upgrades sense And the rest of the link got lost.