I've run into a problem with what I thought was a simple task. I keep needing to grind down flathead screwdriver bits to fit weirdball screws. I've bought extras, but they're generally not very good, ranging in hardness from "soft" to "twists like a swizzle stick" when trying to break stuck screws free.
"So!" I think, "I'll just order a piece of 5/16" 4130 or 4140 hex stock and make a my own out of properly heat-treated steel."
How foolish...
So far, I haven't been able to find any hex stock smaller than 3/8", much less 4130 or even 1144. The best I've been able to come up with was to buy hex keys and cut them up, but many of those are soft too.
I could buy round stock and cut flats, but that seems like a ridiculous amount of work just to make screwdriver bits. So I figured maybe I was too close to the problem, and I'd give you guys a chance to laugh at my failure to come up with a simple solution.
What's the simplest way to make some screwdriver bits out of a decent alloy?
Buy a set of harden allen wrenches. The better ones don't twist. Otherwise you have twisted junk. Been down that road of cheap allen wrenches.
Good Luck