[Newbie] Magnetic DRO Problems


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 28, 2014
Has anyone had any problems with magnetic DRO? I have a DRO on my lathe cross slide that skips every once in while to a point I can't trust it any more. I have had it for about one year. I tried cleaning the strip and head. I reset the head clearance to the required specs with no improvement.
I have a 6 year warranty on this product if need. I am just wishing I am overlooking something.
Thanks all.
Sounds like you have done everything obvious. Have you checked to make sure the cable connection for the reader head is tight at the readout display? You say you have a 6 year warranty so I assume you have a Dro Pros Electronica unit? If so give them a call. They were very helpful when I talked to them recently. Sorry no simple answer.

I'm having the same problem with my crosslide scale on my big lathe. It seems that the tolerance for the scale slide part has to be dead nuts perfect or else she screws up. Mine started to get whacked out after I adjusted the gibs on the cross slide, which does make sense, since adjusting them does move the cross slide over a little. But, I've not been able to get it right since. I think I'm gonna have to take it completely apart and check for crap inside the scale.
Thanks all.

I will call DRO PROS. I am sure they will help me.
Be sure you check back in and let us know what you find. Those magnetic dro kits have become quite popular. I have them on my Bridgeport and so far have worked real well.

I thought the magnetic readers were impervious to "gunk" and it was the glass slides that got "dirty" ??

Since the magnetic scales are not in a enclosed housing, they can get "gunk" between the encoder and the scale and they will not work. As long the side wipers are working properly, the encoder should not get contaminate from the side to side movement. There is nothing to keep the gunk from going straight down and get between the encoder and the scale. A cover installed over the scale will help but does not make it 100% contamination proof.

Glass scales get "dirty" most of the time because the person using the machine does not keep the high pressure air from the air hose away from the sealing lips of the enclosed housing. It is not really the scales fault. Some glass scales now have double sealing lip to prevent the air hose issues.


I thought the magnetic readers were impervious to "gunk" and it was the glass slides that got "dirty" ??

I have mag scales on a $750K Beckwood 1000 ton trapped rubber press at work. They use them on 2 corners to check for skew and height. I started getting skew errors of over .200 in the PLC but the press was still dead on. I wound up just replacing the scale, recalibrating and setting parameters. Sometimes equipment that is fairly new just fails. These were high end scales also. Tim
Forgive me if I'm wrong, it's bee a while. I believe the electronica scales have a right side up in relation to the reader head. Wrong side up gets erratic results. They also are very specific about the tight tolerances of scale to reader and axis. I would go through the install directions and check these things well so you at least have those answers before you call. Good luck
Wow be sure to let us know how you resolve the problem. I just installed my el400 and it works fine but from the responses it sounds like a a condition that develops over time. The mounting tolerances did not seem overly tight to me. +|-1* iir