I bought a no name AXA set and a couple of extra 101 tool holders from Grizzly about 8 years ago. Since then, I have purchased Shars multiple 250-101 and 250-101XL tool holders. More recently, I bought four Labwork branded 250-101 tool holders for $9 each off eBay. I have not had any problems with them. In order of increasing quality, I would rate the Grizzly, followed by the Labwork , with the Shars being the best. I have not had any issues with set screws. Fit and finish on all is acceptable. The Shars tool holder have the lowest seat for the tool which is a benefit for those of us who have the Grizzly G0602 lathes.
Another property of a QCTP holder is the ability to reseat to both vertical and horizontal positions. I tend to change the orientation of the tool post for different tools doing so, I will re-reference the tool each time if I am doing critical work so I am not likely to notice any minor horizontal positional changes due to reseating. the tool holder but in most cases, it is minimal. My tool post is a piston type and I would expect a more consistent seating with a wedge type. Vertically, i get consistent reseating.