Machining a lathe backing plate - hard cast iron blank

The first plant I was in - we made 48" DIA. cable sheaves for our railroad car 'pullers'
They were cast at a local foundry, sand castings.
I was down on the floor doing something or another when all hell broke loose.
There was one being machined on the huge old King vertical lathe when the tool hit a file that embedded in sheave.
Like a fossil in a rock.
Luckily the machinist was OK. Sheave came out of the jaws and the tool post was toast.
I just ran into this. Burning up hand ground hss like there's no tomorrow. My problem was just thinking about higher feed rates with a band saw! I've cut hundreds (maybe thousands?) of feet of cast iron with a band saw. Went to cut a back plate on the major diameter and just kept ruining ground bits. SLOW down! That's the Key! You guys nailed it. Go slow.