Mach3 using Xhc MPG Pendant

Yes, I depend on the indication. What I don't like is having to cycle through the different scales to get the one you want. Mach3 lets you (requires you to) set 10 jog increments. The pendent will cycle through them in one direction. I have it setup to repeat a sequence of 3 increments but that leaves one repeat to fill out for 10. Anyway I find myself regularly having to press the jog increment button several times to get the increment I want, when a rotary switch allows you to go right to what you want up or down. Also I find that when edge finding, I don't have to look at the pendent or the Mach3 display. I am looking at the edge finder. With the XHC I have to take my eyes off the work to look at the pendent display when I change increments (I always start at .1 and then as I get closer I decrements the increment until I am at .0002. Again not a huge deal but in a perfect world I could do this by feel on the pendent and not take my eyes off the work.

And yes, I am more than a little OCD over efficiency :)
I got the Xhc display and most of the functions to work after deleting the shuttlepro.dll and installing the one, on the CD, that can with the pendant. I was surprised on how many different dll's are out there and I was informed not to use the one that came with the Xhc. Oh well as long as it works. Are there any good ideas on fabricating a custom overlay for the Xhc? Thanks for all of the suggestions. Bob
Thanks for the update, I will download the new dll tonight and give a try.
I have been using the shuttlepro.dll 3.6 for a couple of days now and it seems to be quite an improvement.
If I turn the MPG at a moderate speed for 5 turns (.250") , I may loose or gain .005", which is Ok for a setup.
Thanks for the report. I'll update today.
Hey All,
I am a little late to this thread but I am having issues with my LHB04 (wired). I have tried several drivers and still no luck. The display only ever shows zeros and nothing seems to be controlling mach 3.

I am using the driver found off this site:
My machine is a Precision Mathews 940 and uses an nMotion card

The thing seems pretty cool but for now it is a paper weight.
What operating system is on your computer? Does Mach3 run the machine at all?
Thanks for the reply!
I am set up on windows 10 with the latest version of mach3. Jogging with the keyboard works. I have been messing with the various MPG settings but I don't have the right combo yet. That said, regardless of what my settings are, shouldn't the pendant show machine position data? I am leaning toward incorrect drivers.
That said, regardless of what my settings are, shouldn't the pendant show machine position data?

Maybe, but that means the the pendant would have to be communicating with Mach3, and it sounds like it is not. Did you actually find Win10 drivers for the pendant. I also heard a rumor the the latest update of Win10 caused some issues with communications on some machines.