Looking for my perfect size hobby mill....

Don't give up. Even though there isn't much for used in your area, maybe shipping cost isn't that bad to have a used mill brought in. Look for one coming out of a tech school or community college. I got a used Jet 9x49V that came with a little tooling. It was 12 years old and had never been used in production. It came out of a factory maintenance shop. Needed a new variable speed belt. 2300#s. Made in Taiwan. A way more capable machine than any of the Chinese imports you've been looking at.
OK I'll admit, when it came to finding a lathe, I finally gave up after a year of looking, and bought a new PM 1440HD. It had a few minor issues. It's Chinese after all! Quality Tool took care of what they could and I did a few fixes. It is sturdy, works well, leaks a little oil, been a good machine. The prices have gone up quite a lot in the 8 years I've had it. Be sure and save some money back for tooling.
Hello All...

Thanks to everyone for their input, I know for sure the PM-728 is not the machine for me.. I had my sights on either the PM-727V or the PM-932, a good price point and capability on paper for mills to learning on, I'm not looking for my forever mill just yet.

After doing a lot research I have no desire to spend 3k+ on a mill and then have to fix issues, I was thinking ok what about the PM-932V @4k well then why not a bit more and get the PM-833TV @5k, there's just no end in sight... I apologize I'm just frustrated and have to stop.

Unfortunately here in Vegas we don't have much in the way of older stock to go see, Its truly diamonds in the rough and get lucky... So I'm kind of stuck buying new, I was really excited to get this all figured out and have a new mill delivered this summer - but with those Mills out of the picture Its just not going to happen.

For now at least I have the G0704 to mess around with and figure some things out..

Thanks Mike.

The for just a little more game is very real. Super easy to watch your budget go from $2000 to $5000 that way.

This process takes time, but at least you have the 704 for now.
Don't give up. Even though there isn't much for used in your area, maybe shipping cost isn't that bad to have a used mill brought in. Look for one coming out of a tech school or community college. I got a used Jet 9x49V that came with a little tooling. It was 12 years old and had never been used in production. It came out of a factory maintenance shop. Needed a new variable speed belt. 2300#s. Made in Taiwan. A way more capable machine than any of the Chinese imports you've been looking at.
OK I'll admit, when it came to finding a lathe, I finally gave up after a year of looking, and bought a new PM 1440HD. It had a few minor issues. It's Chinese after all! Quality Tool took care of what they could and I did a few fixes. It is sturdy, works well, leaks a little oil, been a good machine. The prices have gone up quite a lot in the 8 years I've had it. Be sure and save some money back for tooling.
Hi Larry$

I haven't fully given up forever, I'm just done for now.! I had a Enco 12x36 Lathe that I gave away for free because it leaked oil like a sieve from literally everywhere. I never even considered dealing with oil leaks on newer equipment or as they age, but they are both oil bath gearhead mills.

That and my brain hurts from all the research and disappointment, every time I get close to making a decision a monkey wrench gets thrown in the works. It takes all the fun out of getting a new toy, I just need to step away and clear my head and put my attention elsewhere for a bit..
