Looking for info on a 12x36

This is not my picture but this is what mine came with.
Lathe collet closer.jpg

My chuck is threaded on my Grizzly
This is not my picture but this is what mine came with.
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My chuck is threaded on my Grizzly
Your machine may have the the 60mmx8 spindle on it. Have you ever checked it for size? These Grizzly's from the early 80's are the ones that seem to have the 60mmx8 spindle threads the most.
Yes, They can do both types of threads. You will need the change gears that came with it, If the guy has lost them you can order them from Grizzly for their belt head model. You will need these gears:

The lathe should be setup right now with two 40 Tooth gears for SAE threads. If he was doing SAE threads. There was also a 46 Tooth gear included with some of these 12x36 lathes, But most of them did not have it, But you will know by studying the chart on your machine.

To do metric threads you have to leave the half nut engaged for the entire job, Reason being is the lathe has an inch leadscrew. If you study the threading charts on the lathe you will see the gear orientations for each thread. For SAE threads the gears are in line with each other. For metric threading the bottom gear is flipped around so it engages the outer of the two large gears which should be 120 tooth and the larger gear 127 tooth.

It's really not that hard once you study the charts it will be like a light bulb switching on and you will all of sudden grasp it.
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I actually find it easier for me to get good result to leave the half nut engaged for all threads...
That’s a damn good lathe. I have the Enco variant. Solid machine
This is the Jet branded version of the lathe that @DavidR8 and I both own. I've had mine from new.

Very good lathe. You can do accurate work with it. It was sold as 12X37 here (but it really is the same lathe).

It is 37" from dead centre in the headstock to dead centre in the tailstock, with the tailstock at the end of the bed. I have used this with the tailstock hanging out 2". Using the 3J chuck, and the tailstock/dead centre, you have about 32" of good working space.

Side note. These lathes were furnished with top quality chucks made in Taiwan; My 3J reads +/- .001 over the entire scroll, as good as my 4000$ Prat Burnerd chuck in my leBlond.

The lathe weighs 750 lbs without the stand. I strongly advocate for not removing the headstock. When I did on mine, it introduced slightly worse headstock alignment, and I've done dozens of alignments. This one is just tricky.