Looking for help on ID'ing this tool


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jun 10, 2019
This tool cam with a lot I purchased a long while ago and can't for the life of me figure out what its used for. My best guess is some type of follower or center, but I can't quite see how that would work. Maybe is part of larger contraption? Anyway - it has me beat. What is it?

The 3/16" center rod is ground and moves freely in the tool body (and it readily can slide out completely; nothing retaining it). The cone on the main the tool is spring-loaded and will push into the body. Body is a bit over 1.25" OD.

that is a transfer centering punch for larger holes. put over hole and push outer sleeve down and then puch the top for a center punch mark for the hole.
Thanks! The end of the rod has no marks on it (never used) and rod looks far nicer than regular transfer punches; suppose that's why I didn't think that's what it was.
Need one ? :big grin: It's actually known as a universal center punch , but mines never been used . I find it inaccurate .
Mystery solved for me too.
Put it in my box please, if you can find it :)
Thank you, I don't consider transfer punches that accurate too, unless I have a junk set, they wobble in the hole.
I have a few of the good Spellman ones left , not a complete set .
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Mine are not name brand, and are tiny to 1". They have play in the hole when I've used them.