Looking for Coolant Suggestions.

The kool mist 77 leaves a mild tacky coating when dried. It stops rust on my stuff. I've been using 4 ounces to a gallon of distilled water. After it dries I use way oil to lube the machines like normal. But, I stopped using flood coolant so no issues with oil getting into the sump, I run the drains to a bucket. The misters suck coolant from little Sam's Club drinking water bottles. Just drill a hole in the cap, recycling!

I'll try the 2290 next when the 77 is gone at that price. Thanks for the info mksj.
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Benchmark Fluids Sawlution II. wink wink

I appreciate the suggestion. I was one click away from the Kool Mist when I looked back and found your post. I see that you have mentioned it twice in this thread, but no reason why it would be a better choice than the Kool Mist. From what I have been able to find the price is pretty close to the same between the two after you add the outrageous shipping charges to both.

So is there a reason that you prefer Sawlution II to the Kool Mist 2290? Not being rude with the question, I've never used either. I did look at both of their sites and of course they each claim to be the best.

As a side point, for some reason I do not receive notifications of responses to the thread. Urghh! Something else to figure out.
No reason other than I have three gallons for sale here on the site. Stan Zinkosky suggested it to me so i bought a case then decided I wasn't going to use flood coolant.
I have no idea what shipping would be for a gallon but I'm guessing a lot.
Here's a pretty good video about coolant if anybody is interested. This one is pretty long about 30 minutes, but interesting. Hass has several shorter videos available.

Cool, I didn't expect to see the actual video in the post. Thought it would be a link. That's cool.