I use a valenite 3 insert 45degree cutter sometimes has a 750 shank and about 1.3 dia at the tips. It takes square inserts. I've seen them on ebay pretty cheap like 20$ for a used one.
That's a shell a shell mill style isn't it?I recently bought a 2.5" 5 insert facemill from latheinserts.com. It's made by ZCC and am really happy with test results so far.
Yes but the inserts are at 45 degrees, so I figured that qualified for the thread. They sell them in 2, 2.5 and 3 inch sizes, I picked the middle as that seems to be my nature.
Did you make a decision? I am in the same quest as you are. Got a new mill recently PM932 and never had indexing end mills but would like to buy a couple. No experience at all with carbide inserts.