Long way around...

I just ordered 4 rounding end mills in various radiusesess (radii?) We'll just add that to my "tuition".
Keep ordering in volume like that and you'll probably qualify for a partial scholarship.
Keep ordering in volume like that and you'll probably qualify for a partial scholarship.
Ah yes, we may not always be helpful with solutions but we'll come up with ideas to spend your money. Naturally, a file over the edges would work too. Won't be long and someone will suggest a CNC mill. With a tool changer.

The rounding mills worked perfectly and I ended up with a 5/32" radius all around.

A little clean up on the belt sander and I was pretty pleased with the outcome.
Today was the day when I finally cut the holes in the bumper for the bars to pass through.

After measuring and measuring and doing more math than a typical Saturday, I banged out the holes. I plunged a 1/2" mill to rough the 1"x2" holes. I used the 1/2" because it had a 1/2" shank and it was long enough to mill the front hole and the back hole without disturbing my set up. I went back and cleaned the holes with a 5/32" mill.

I think I hit it pretty close.