Not sure if ethanol was the root cause, but my wife drove a Dodge (Ram) pickup. Recently, while out doing wifely stuff, she had an engine fire that literally melted the entire truck. 10 years old with only 45K miles. . . Seems the plastic fuel lines failed and appears to be a common problem with Dodges in this area. According to the insurance we carry, there have been numerous claims from a fire on Dodges. Other manufacturers use plastic fuel lines as well, just the Dodges have a notable propensity to fail. The problem started around the time that ethanol was put into gasoline. Our replacement vehicle is also a Dodge, but she is more careful what kind of gasoline goes in it. We get gasoline for auxilliary engines way out in the country. It never snows here so that isn't a problem. But with lawn mowers and generators, I have to use a protocol of shutting off the fuel and letting the engine starve to shut it down.