Light Machine Corporation

It does have a cable that says connect to interface card which I do not have. I have been researching and will have some questions on what to get. Everyone has been great so far I appreciate it.
Wow do you buy yourself a peck of fun!

I used to repair equipment of that era when it was new. The basic machinery is close to industry standards of the time. The linkage from the steppers to the cutting platforms is unique to the model. (Sometimes to the serial#) The interfaces are 'improved' versions of the semi-standards that existed.

The software was pretty funky when it did work. The whole package was designed by computer people trying to prove machines could do a better job than a properly trained human. *FAIL*

Your best chance at making that stuff useful will be:
- Get the power supplies running
- Figure out what each stepper and servos does
- Buy new USB drivers for the steppers and servos
- Build your own control programs from the apps that come with (and others have written) the USB drivers

If you are lucky, there will be others on eBay that you'll be able to scrounge parts from.
Mike and Jim thanks I was just looking at those would I still use the black boxes? This is what I was looking at.Screenshot_2015-08-13-15-43-01.png
Ok gotcha. Now will mach3 allow me to draw my part and convert it to g code?
Mach3 has no drawing functionality, it only runs the machine.

Three pieces of software are required: First you draw the part in a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program, then you process the CAD file in a Computer Aided Machining (CAM) program, this produces the G-Code that the Computer Numeric Control (CNC) program, like Mach3, can run.

Most CAM programs have some CAD functionality. There are also a number of free or really cheap CAD programs available.

CamBam is one of the less expensive ($149) CAM programs, and it plays nice with Mach3. It also has some limited CAD functionality, OK for really simple drawings, but but a pretty clunky interface for any serious work.
Thanks I appreciate it. So I need to get a driver my computer can talk to then figure out the wiring to the black boxes then get software. Simple as pie.
Yup, that's all there is to it! :grin:
This site is great. I was at a couple other ones talk about a bunch egotistical pricks they were.