Lifting and Rigging Resources...

brown derrick.jpg
From that Brown catalog, this is interesting, a tripod but with two legs fixed, and a single shaft at the top instead of the lashing shown in the Army manual.

brown derrick.jpg
One thing I liked about the Brown catalog were the lists of cable codes. Sending a letter would take a week or more, and week for a reply. A telegram could do that in less than a day, but was hideously expensive.Edit: to clarify, telegrams charged by the 5 letter "word". Even 100 years ago, time was money. Google books has changed their format (again!) so I can't post a direct link, but go to the book and search for "code". All kinds of nerdy fun.
And one more useful book is "Working Alone":"working+alone"
It's another book about thinking through a problem more than a detailed way to do it, but I suspect anyone reading this board has had helper or three who was most useful after you told them "Go sit in the truck".
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