Before you cut again, (after you've determined that the head is square with the table) (the vise was removed for this operation wasn't it?) remove the lower portion of the vise, (the part that is now attached to the table) from the vice and store it in a secure place. It's for rotating the table to a specific angle and you are not doing that in this operation. Before you put the vice back on the table gently run a whetstone over the bottom of the vice to determine that there are not high spots on the bottom surface. Do the same with the table. You don't want to remove any but high spots, so don't be aggressive, just wipe it gently. Wipe both table and vice bottom with a paper towel, put the vise down and slide it around to verify there are no chunks of anything under it. Secure it to the table. NOW with an indicator in the quill, run the vice back and forth to verify that the bottom of the opening of the vise is parallel with the movement of the table. Now try another cut. Yes, use a fly cutter or a face mill.