Tool post grinders can be called upon to turn grinding wheels from less than 1/8" diameter to more than 4" diameter. It takes a wide spindle speed range to do that, and a spindle capable of very high and much lower speeds. Most home built, and many commercial built tool post grinders do not really have the capability to properly do a wide range of work. My Dumore 44-020 has the capability to turn wheels from 1/8" to 3", and has spindle speeds from 6,600 to 38,500 rpm, and weighs 35 pounds, but is still somewhat short on having good rigidity for heavier work. Some of that comes from the setup on the lathe tool post, and some from the fact that the whole concept of a tool post grinder attachment does not really make for a rigid setup. It is definitely nowhere ckose to being equal to a cylindrical grinder. It is, however, useful.