Hi. Sorry for not answering, taptalk didn't show a new reply for some reason. Your chart appears to be for a lathe with an imperial leadscrew and thus the data doesn't directly apply to my lathe, but it could nevertheless be useful to someone.
I had gotten a bit sidetracked with other projects and threading wasn't something I needed, until yesterday. I wanted to cut a m12x1.75mm thread and could not figure out what gear combination and gearbox setting I needed, so I decided to finally write a complete metric chart for my lathe, which I said previously I'd upload, so here it is:
This 3-page chart contains all the thread pitches in mm for each possible combination of gearbox setting and changegear combination, rounded to three decimals for the long values, and I thought it might be useful to someone in the future that's missing a threading chart like me. The chart consists of 12 smaller charts, one for each of the possible changegear configurations, and each small chart contains the 5
8 possible gearbox settings for that changegear combination. Of course, 95% of the threads in the chart are useless, and I should (and will, some other day) probably compile the useful threads into a much more compact chart. To clarify, this applies to a generic Taiwanese 13something lathe with a qcgb that is of imperial design, but the lathe being "converted" to metric by putting a 3mm pitch leadscrew on it which seems like a bad approach since cutting metric threads still requires changing gears often, which is a pain. Nevertheless I can at least cut all pitches I've needed thus far. My handwriting isn't the best and I'm wearing a support glove-thingy due to some problems with my thumb which doesn't precisely help, so the chart might be a bit difficult to read, sorry about that.