Lathe forklift mishap


A decent 1440 for $1500! That was a steal.
I need to find me that kinda deal.

The alternative for the seller would have been to part it out or scrap it, and unless the seller is a hobbyist that would probably require more than $1500 in labor and net them less. Win-win.

A lathe hitting the floor is bad, but not necessarily fatal. Even when not fatal, however, it's often quite expensive to recover from. Ask me how I know.

Rick "the divot in the concrete floor is a reminder" Denney
The bottom line is its the operators fault. A 1440 is wide and most forks won't span the width. Was it lifted and sent back to the guard and secured. Was the mast laid back to cradle the load to begin with. You'll really never know what actually happened.