Many modern, now fairly low cost VFD inverter drives are servo drives in all but name. There are now hundreds of brands that have auto-tune for servo setup, and parameters that can set up for drives of various motor numbers of poles, and encoder feedback arrangements.
Brands that come to mind are Omron (Japanese Yaskawa), ABB, Copley Controls (Xenus). These things can get expensive, but not to fear, there are now so many, including American brands, that they are becoming affordable. Some can use motor shaft encoder feedback for velocity acceleration deceleration control, and simultaneously, the direct DRO position sensing for the input demand in microns. I expect the CNC enthusiasts in this form will be able to give you more tips.
I have two servo drives, and motors, scored as freebies. They are much OTT for my kind of machine needs, but I was much put out by the cost of the 4 connectors (for 2 motors). £129 (that's about $180 bucks)!